HD Muscle VitaHD 300ct (60) — Popeye's Supplements Winnipeg Skip to content
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Go Back Outside Sale on Now! 🍁Proudly Canadian Since 1989🍁Serving Manitoba & Northwestern Ontario.

HD Muscle VitaHD 300ct (60)


VitaHD is a truly revolutionary, precisely dosed, one of a kind supplement created to deliver results beyond traditional multi vitamins and ‘all in one’ mineral blends for complete and total human optimization. VitaHD contains an innovative and efficaciously dosed combination of athlete specific vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts and nutrients designed to target specific systems and pathways in the human body to support athletic performance by helping:

  • Prime and strengthen your immune and recovery systems from oxidative and free radical damage
  • Enhance natural energy, mood and focus
  • Promote cellular integrity and mitochondrial health
  • Support efficient cellular oxygen consumption and cardiovascular endurance
  • Reduce stress, fatigue and promote a state of balance
  • Support healthy bone and joint health while reducing inflammation

When creating VitaHD, we wanted to come out with a truly complete, innovative and convenient daily supplement that goes far beyond the standard multi vitamin and essential packs on the market today.